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Decide when and if you want visitors. My advice here is to put it off a bit a get some rest. But you dont have to listen to me. just tell Dad if you want visitors or not. 


Have a think about social media. I would suggest that you dictate when people can upload things on their various platforms. 


If you dont feel up to having visitors, just let Dad know that. 

Be prepared for a lot of well meaning advice. You dont have to take their advice onboard. You have heaps of hormones running around your body, so if you start crying, that is totally normal. If you dont cry, that is totally normal too. You are doing great. 


If you start to feel like no one cares about you, they do, they really really do. They are just a bit obsessed. You are beautiful and you just made a human. You are amazing. You made that little person. WOW


Ok Dad you need to look out for your family now! Remember this part you are the unseen hero. You protect Mum, She looks after the baby. You have to be the person who gets tough with "helpful" people that are stressing mum out. She needs you to do that, she cannot possibly do it, so you need to accept that this is your job now. No one cares about you (well they do, it might feel like they dont). It is at the moment a thankless job, but sometime in the next 15 years mum will say thanks. You arent doing it for thanks though. You are made and designed to protect your family. 

Mum is probably acting a bit odd, crying, not crying, crying about not crying. She has just run a marathon with her body, and now her hormones are kicking around new stuff like oxytocin. You are getting oxytocin too. For you, it makes you ready to fight for your family, in the mum it is making her bond with the baby stronger. 



  • People will want to hold the baby. Dad ask Mum, if she says no, then Dad you tell people no. 

  • People will want to kiss the baby. Dad ask Mum, if she says no, then Dad you tell people no.

  • People will want to get in the baby's face: Dad ask Mum, if she says no, then Dad you tell people no.

  • People will want to take pictures of the baby. Dad ask Mum, if she says no, then Dad you tell people no.

  • People will want to post on social media. Dad ask Mum, if she says no, then Dad you tell people no.

  • If someone has a cold sore THEY CANNOT HOLD THE BABY


Getting Answers to Your Questions about Babies with Amy Asks

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